Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We have had a busy second half of the year. We sold our house, are building a new place, and are currently living in an apartment. PLUS, Avery is excited to become a big sister in May! I couldn't find my camera for a while so people were nice enough to send me photos whenever we went on an outing together. Needless to say, I am really behind in our blog, but I think these 10 or so new posts should highlight some of the fun we have had this fall.

Avery is growing way too quickly. She is learning new words everyday, and she has a great little personality. We spend a lot of time laughing together and trying to figure out what outfits she will agree to wear...

My friend Penny stopped by last week for a couple of days with Paul and their new baby Linden. Unfortunately we didn't think to bring out the camera until the girls were both asleep. Hopefully Pen can send me some pics that I can post in the future. We hope everyone has an incredible holiday season!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Congrats on your new pregnancy! You all look happy and healthy. Wish we could see you guys in person. Best in everything